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Play Healing Parent Podcast

Jun 8, 2020

Play Healing Parent Podcast - Helping Busy Parents to Pause, Play and Connect in this Fast-Paced Digital Age, with Debi John 



Play Healing Parent Podcast - Helping Busy Parents to Pause, Play and Connect in this Fast Paced Digital Age, with Debi John 


Title: How minimalism can affect the emotional health of your family?


About Debi:


Debi is the founder of Play Healing and a mother of two teenage daughters. Debi coaches parents online and has featured on BBC Radio to talk about parenting, home schooling and preventing tech addiction. She has worked in education with children aged 4-16 for over 20 years, performed as a musician for 25 years and studied a Post Grad in Therapeutic Play. 

She is the author the PLAY HEALING PAUSE Model helping parents to Pause, Play and Connect deeply with their children in a fast-paced, digital age. 


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Music used on the podcast written by Debi John and produced by the amazing Paul Frazer.


About Tanya: 


Tanya helps ambitious female entrepreneurs uncover what is really holding them back, face their fears head on and grow into their true self to flourish in life and business.

Coaching virtually we go back to basics, remove all the noise and excess in your life, the clutter. We remove every item, person, commitment, food, content, distraction etc. that takes you away from what really matters.


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22 Screen Free Ways to Build Connection with your Tween/Teen - 

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Value Bombs: 



When the kids were not listening, I questioned my own ability to be a parent.


I’d got to breaking point. Enough was enough.


Their reaction was completely unexpected. I went up stairs to find them happily playing and saying, ‘Thankyou mummy we love it - No that was not my intention!’


When you clear you remove everything that’s not serving you…you’re clearing out the old energy.


I look at my children in such a different way now.


Small changes can be so powerful.




Thankyou for listening to Episode 7 today, be sure to subscribe, review and share the podcast with friends and check out my website at


I’m delighted to announce that the winner of beauty sleep bubble bath is Helen she wrote:

“I loved these podcasts. It is so easy to feel overwhelmed by the wealth of advice and guidance out there, describing what to do and not do if you want to be a ‘good’ parent. This offers a totally new approach with simple strategies that really do work. Listening to the play, pause and connect podcast I recognised myself in so much that was said. I am using the pause and connect model with my children and in a short time have seen my communication and bond with them strengthen.”


Have a wonderful week x Stay safe go play and connect and don’t forget to PAUSE…


If you’re in the UK and want to come to my rest and relaxation pamper evening 19th June then sign up before 12th June using the link in the show notes or contact me on Facebook or Instagram and I’ll send you out samples. Including beauty sleep concentrate…




Remember to PAUSE and look after yourselves guys x Serious love to you all x Debs x 




Thanks to Habyts for being a sponsor of the Play Healing Parent Podcast. To find a balanced way to manage screen time and motivate your kids click here.


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Special Offer for Listeners:


To get 10% off Teddo Cards, enter PLAYHEALING at the checkout.


Podcast Production:


Special thanks to Pete Sene for producing this podcast and to the amazing people who funded the production in my GoFundMe Campaign. You are all angels x